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KEO Votre message L'aventure de KEO Keomag Keonautes Partenaires Equipe
The KEO Team


L'équipe de coordination de KEO

The objectives of KEO are being realized thanks to the competencies generously offered by its various partners. The skills offered to KEO can be divided into 7 categories: spatial technology, information technologies, communication tools, communication channels, support for the project team, institutional endorsements and others.

Moreover, KEO relies on the expertise of individuals who contribute at a personal level, free of charge, in overcoming specific and precise hurdles encountered during the development of KEO.

Today, KEO's top priority is to collect a large number of messages, representative of the entire human community of the 21st century.

The principle missions of the KEO Project Team thus consist of:

To define and put into action Programme KEO's strategies of development under their different arborescences (technical, computing, ethical, juridical and administrative, communication...)
To coordinate the network of partners and the resources from individual skills.
To protect the values of KEO: global project, equality with a non-profit motive, independent from all political, denominational and commercial influence.
To encourage interactivity with the public, net surfers, schools and media at a global level.
The author of KEO

Jean-Marc Philippe

Jean-Marc Philippe

Artist and scientist of the project

The project coordination team of programme KEO

Patrick Tejedor

President of Programme KEO

Guy Mullier

Computer Engineer

Marie-Anne Klein

General Secretary of Programme KEO

Valérie Baylin Valérie Baylin

Communication Officer

  Jean Philippot

Relations with schools
Jean-Luc Blaisot

Events Manager

René Locicéro

Manager in Computer Graphics

Yongheng Pong Catherine Lequeux

Communication Assistant

Félicien Baty Danielle de Melo

Communication Assistant

Qiaoli Liao Vrinat Ying Zhuang

Responsable of communication in China

Qiaoli Liao Vrinat Lan Zheng

Communication Assistant

Qiaoli Liao Vrinat Sonja Schmitz

Communication Assistant

Qiaoli Liao Vrinat Kuan-Yun Chiu

Communication Assistant

Sophia Magkli Isabelle Reullan

Communication Assistant

Sophia Magkli Anahit Jahand

Communication Assistant

Sophia Magkli Sofia Magkli

Communication Assistant

Carmen Navas Nicolas Rolland

Communication Assistant

Carmen Navas Aziza Wassef

Responsable of communication in the Arab world

Carmen Navas

Marianne Guerin

Communication Assistant

  Carmen Navas Corinna Lenerz

Communication Assistant

Resources from individual skills
KEO, with its aura of reverie and humanistic values has been able to assemble a large number of people who, being totally mesmerized by the concept of the project, wish to be associated with KEO by offering their personal time and their professional expertise and competencies.

Today, this powerful and reliable global network does not cease from expanding, thus allowing KEO to be equipped to face all the different challenges that lie in store for it.

Surname Name Organization
Acker Jean Franois RFI
Adam Antoine
Adam Olivier EADS
Ahamada Dini Groupe ESIEA
Aka Brou Louis-Blaise U.P.U.
Aka Brou Véronique
André Pascal Plasmon
André-Salvini Béatrice Musée du Louvre
Andrieu Eric Ecoles des Mines de Paris
Arnould Jacques CNES
Assant Olivier Avocat
Attali Jacques Ecrivain
Audric Thierry Ministère des Affaires étrangères
Auque Franois EADS
Auroy Olivier Kaos
Auroy Sylvie Expectra France
Avice Edwige Financière de Briènne
Balaam Philippe Arianespace
Ballet Sylvie Ministère des Affaires étrangères
Barbalat Odile Ville des Ulis
Barbotin Christophe Musée du Louvre
Barry de Longchamp Barbara UNESCO
Basdevant Jean-louis Ecole Polytechnique
Baty Félicien Keo
Bazenet Florence KEO
Belassami Jean-Philippe [BaBeL@STaL]
Benabdallah Fadwa Groupe ESIEA
Berbudeau Christine RFI
Bernard Antoine FIDH
Berthier Annie Bibliothèque Nationale
Berthon Brigitte Ville de Paris
Beurdeley Alain
Bézier Patrick A N D C P
Bibring Jean-Pierre Observatoire de Paris
Bienvenu Yves Centre des Matériaux Pierre-Marie Fourt
Biraud Franois CNRS Observatoire de Meudon
Bisso Christophe Cable & Wireless
Blaisot Jean-Luc Ville des Ulis
Bloch Stéphane Klein, Goddard & Associés
Blot Eric
Bodaert Christelle Sup'Aero
Bonnet Roger ESA
Bontemps Hervé [BaBeL@STaL]
Boquet Michel EADS -LV Aquitaine
Bordas Nicolas BDDP & Fils
Bordier Vincent Puzzle Thétre
Bosser Thomas [BaBeL@STaL]
Boton Albert Carré Noir
Botté Madame J-M Bruneau
Bouabdelli Kouider Klein, Goddard & Associés
Bouchary Abdel
Bouey Emmanuelle Ecrivain
Bourel Antoine [BaBeL@STaL]
Brachet Gérard CNES
Broquet Jean Astrium
Brousse Franois Air France
Calvet Jean-Nol CEREM - CE2A - CEA
Carlier Armand Astrium
Caron Gérard Carré Noir
Casgha Jean-Yves RFI
Cerbelaud Hélène SupAéro
Chabosy Marie-Franoise Sipa Press
Chalaye Hervé Ministère de l'Industrie et des Finances
Chapron Stanislas Marsh
Chareyron Eric Cable & Wireless
Chikhaoui Rania Groupe ESIEA
Chomaz Philippe GANIL / CIRIL
Clair Serge HG Créations
Claveau Martine Air France
Coche Dupeuble Christelle Parménide Porter Novelli
Cornon Laurent Cabinet Laurent Cornon
Corradini Marcello ESA Agence Spatiale Européenne
Couillard Philippe EADS LV
Coulbeau Claire Starsem
Courquin Laurent ABPR
Daudel Raymond Académie Européenne
Daumas Marie-Thérèse CEA
de Bellecisze Jean-Baptiste Parménide Porter Novelli
De Clomadeuc Jacqueline
de Kerckhove Derrick McLuhan Program
de Lanversin Patrice EADS LV
Del Poso Maria
Delagrange Hugues GANIL
Deroux Patrick VediorBis
Desobeau Jean-Michel Arianespace
Diène Doudou Unesco
Dobrovolsky Katia Keo
Dordain Jean-Jacques ESA - Agence Spatiale Européenne
Dumand Pierre Yves
Dupont Christine
Elghozi Eric C.F.C.E.
Epelboin Fabrice Designer multimedia
Escudier Bénédicte SupAéro
Farcy Olivier
Fauconneau Jean-Gabriel Ville de Paris
Favier Jean-Jacques CNES - Centre Spatial de Toulouse
Feaugas Jean-Claude CNES
Feinsilber Philippe Babel @ stal
Fournier Michel Aerospatiale
Gabriel Luc
Galluser Alain
Gardère Jean-Daniel C.F.C.E.
Garola Anne Avocate
Garot Damien Sup'Aéro
Gaucherand Xavier Prisma Presse
Gavriloff Yvan Kaos
Geismard Alain Mairie de Paris
Gérard Jean-Pierre Imprim and Co
Gibier James Centre des Matériaux Pierre-Marie Fourt
Gili Miro Stéphane
Glover Eric
Gossink Paul Plasmon
Goubin Jean-Louis Arianespace
Gourinat Yves ENSICA
Gourland Christian Touristra
Goursolas Bertrand
Grimard Max EADS LV
Guedeney Rolland Conseiller artistique
Guedj Philippe
Guerry Stéphane Babel @ stal
Guibout Fabrice
Guillon Emmanuelle BDDP & Fils
Guiraud Delville Dominique Ecole des Mines de Paris
Haulica Dan UNESCO
Hostachy Florence
Houiller Carole Sup'Aéro
Jacob Julie Klein, Goddard & Associés
Jaffrelo Gilbert APM
Jarrige Pierre [BaBeL@STaL]
Jarvinen Laura [BaBeL@STaL]
Jestin Karin
Jeudy André Ville de Paris
Kiffle Beseat Selassie
Klein Théodore Klein, Goddard & Associés
Krafft Guillermo H3D
Labaste Vincent Aerospatiale
Lafosse Jacques Plasmon
Laidet Louis CNES
Lamongesse Frédéric Sup'Aero
Landais Marie-Ange Aerospatiale
Langlois Margot
Lapeyre Claire Ministère des Affaires étrangères
Larcher Patrice Arianespace
Laval Philippe Sinequa
Le Calloch Jacques
Le Cochennec Catherine CNES
Le Gall Jean-Yves Starsem
Lebeau André
Leboucher Franck Snecma Moteurs - Vernon
Lecasble Guillaume
Legait Benot Ecole des Mines de Paris
Lemoine Nicolas
Levesque Franck [BaBeL@STaL]
Liao Vrinat Qiaoli Keo
Locicero Antoine Ecole des Mines de Paris
Locicero René Centre des Matériaux Pierre-Marie Fourt
Loridant Paul Ville des Ulis
Loyrette Henry Musée du Louvre
Luciani Bernard Starsem
Luton Jean-Marie Arianespace
Mabille Maryse VediorBis
Macret Jean-Luc EADS
Malina Roger CNRS Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale
Maniscalco André Lycée Robert Doisneau
Marcé Jean-Louis Intespace
Marcout Romain Aerospatiale
Mare Spino Jacka Puzzle Thétre
Marois Luc Ville de Paris
Maroquène Franois Starsem
Martinez Jean-Luc Musée du Louvre
Maxwell Christine Chiliad
Meggs Laurent Actus High Tech
Meillon David
Mevel Olivier Babel @ stal
Minh Doan Jimmy Groupe ESIEA
Mir Jean-Marie EADS
Monchicourt Marie-Odile France Info
Monin Christophe Musée du Louvre
Montagne Marc EADS LV
Morlier Manu
Moutel Gilles Chronopost
Mrabti Safia Sup'Aero
Mullier Guy GM Conseil
Naja Géraldine ESA Agence Spatiale Européenne
Navas Carmen Keo
Nekouac Ludmilla
Nore Pierre Ministère de la Culture et de la communication
Normier Bernard Lexiquest/ Lingway
Olier Patrick CEREM - CE2A - CEA
Pata Simone Ecole des Mines de Paris
Pallu Katia BDDP
Papet Jacqueline RFI
Pascal André Plasmon
Pasquet Jean-Claude Intespace
Pastre Catherine LDH
Patrix Abbi
Pelissier Eric Intespace
Perilhou Henri RFI
Perotti Emmanuel Lunatik
Perozzi Ettore
Perrot Denis VediorBis
Perrotti Emmanuel
Pervier Yves H3D
Philippe Marie-Anne
Philippot Jean
Pianelli Jean-Frédéric Poly-Print
Pierre Patrice Ville des Ulis
Pineau André Ecoles des Mines de Paris
Plissonnier Pierre Air France
Pochart Christophe Cable & Wireless
Pogarieloff Denis Aerospatiale
Pommier Chantal
Ponchaut Frédéric Sup'Aéro
Pong Yongheng Keo
Portier Jean Aerospatiale
Pount Virginie
Prats Sophie Cabinet Laurent Cornon
Quéau Philippe UNESCO
Quinn Veronica Parménide Porter Novelli
Rajaud Yves APM
Raynaud Thierry Solo Communication
Reperant Eric
Rodota Antonio ESA Agence Spatiale Européenne
Rodriguez Rosario [BaBeL@STaL]
Rosenberg Pierre Musée du Louvre
Rosse Franois ABPR
Rousseau David [BaBeL@STaL]
Runavot Jean-Jacques CNES Centre Spatial de Toulouse
Runavot Josette CNES Centre Spatial de Toulouse
Sacotte Daniel ESA
Saint Geours Yves Ministère des Affaires étrangères
Saleh Joseph Sup'Aero
Salinier Jean Ville des Ulis
Salle Philippe Expectra France
Sardou Emmanuelle
SarnÓ Giorgio
Schesneau Sylvain
Schneider Bertrand
Schneider Nina BDDP & Fils
Seulin Arnaud Groupe ESIEA
Seyrol Florent Sup'Aero
Shotland Andrew
Simon Philippe Klein, Goddard & Associés
Sipahioglu Gskin Sipa Press
Stemart Caroline Sup'Aéro
Tamme Marie-Claude
Tasca Catherine Ministère de la Culture et de la communication
Taudin Anne
Tejedor Patrick EADS Matra Airbus
Thoby Michel CNES
Thorel Alain Centre des Matériaux Pierre-Marie Fourt
Tiberghien Frédéric VediorBis
Toulemonde Marcel GANIL / CIRIL
Trinckvel Alain
Trottier Jean-Pierre Centre des Matériaux Pierre-Marie Fourt
Vacheyrout Philippe
Vager Franck
Vaillant Franois Babel @ stal
Valade Caroline Aerospatiale
Van Den Abbeel Dominique [BaBeL@STaL]
Van Hollebecke Michèle Sciences Contact
Van Zon Franois
Viennot Philippe Marsh
Vignes Alain
Wanègue Jean-José Toolex
Zali Anne Bibliothèque nationale
Ziegler Virginie VediorBis
Zobenbueler Jean-Pierre
Zobenbueler Anne-Sophie

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