Why KEO does no longer have a link with the UNESCO site ?
- The internal regulations specific to UNESCO force the organization to remove from its Internet site the various rewards, actions, prices, partnerships and other distinctions granted by the organization at the end of five years.
- Thus the link on the pages of the UNESCO web site, mentioning the distinctions granted to KEO in 1999, was deactivated in 2004. That is to say 5 years after the General Director of UNESCO informed KEO of its nomination under “Project of the 21st century” and granted the “High Patronage” of UNESCO (cf.mail dated 8may 1999) .
- From the point of view of their legitimacy and although having disappeared from the UNESCO site, the French National Commission for UNESCO confirmed that the distinctions granted by UNESCO remained definitively acquired to KEO and that license was given to the project to continue to state these nominations and indisputable distinctions and include them in official communications (cf. mail CNF pour l’ UNESCO).